Advertising, Editorial & Commercial Photographer in Melbourne, Australia



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Old Tech New Decks – Teaser video for an experimental music show

By Behind-the-Scenes, Cool Stuff, Personal Work, VideoNo Comments

We recently blogged about a conceptual photoshoot for the experimental Melbourne Fringe Festival show Old Tech New Decks, where we created promo photos using a prop cello built out of crazy old retro technology. “But why just do stills photography,” we asked ourselves, “when we can also make a cool teaser VIDEO to promote the show!” So, once again working with a shoestring budget, we planned & executed a short motion project to make a fun trailer starring a few Old Tech items and the nostalgic…

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Retro old tech cello, created & photographed by Image Workshop Melbourne

Old Tech New Decks – promo photography for an experimental music show

By Behind-the-Scenes, Cool Stuff, Personal Work, Promotional PhotographyNo Comments

We set out to build a replica cello out of bits and pieces of retro technology. I mean, pfffft, how hard could it be? Composer & performer Vanessa Nimmo asked us about creating promo photography for a Melbourne Fringe Festival show she was working on. Titled Old Tech, New Decks the performance was based around creating music using the nostalgic sounds of old technology: the screeching of a dial-up modem, the rhythmic clacking of typewriter keys, that distinctively ear-grating Nokia…

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Grampians National Park in Australia, photography by Sharon Blance Melbourne photographer

Homecamp Interview – Sharon Blance & the Grampians National Park

By News, Personal Work, Travel & PlacesNo Comments

“Camping always gives me this primordial sense of ‘being home’. Sitting by the fire at night, looking up at the stars I get this uncanny sense of “this is all I truly need.” If there’s one thing that Image Workshop photographer Sharon Blance loves to do – it’s heading out into the wilderness. A fan of ‘the woods’ and wild places in general, we’re fortunate that living in Melbourne there’s no shortage of fantastic Australian wilderness…

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Anne Louise Lambert at Hanging Rock, photo by Sharon Blance, Melbourne photographer

Miranda revisited: portrait of Anne Louise Lambert at Hanging Rock

By Personal Work, Portrait Photography14 Comments

I have a lot of fantasy photos in my head. Pictures I dream of making, stemming from various personal motivations. Generally these ideas stay in the realm of fantasy and aren’t actually executed because of unwieldy logistics, budget or other boring life-in-the-real world constraints. For example, the ‘ode-to-Tesla’ image I’ve had rattling around in my brain for a few years now involves, among other things, a Nikola Tesla look-alike, a live pigeon and a room-sized…

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Timmy Rivers Thornton - Commercial Photography by Image Workshop photographer Brence Coghill

Portrait Photography of Timmy T – New personal work by Brence Coghill

By Personal Work, Portrait PhotographyNo Comments

New portrait photography work from a recent shoot by Brence.  Timmy is a pop-culture junkie by day; bartender by night, and a crackin’ good laugh to hang out with. These studio portraits were shot with an editorial feel, and portray a sense of his personality and personal style. Check out our portfolio to see more of our portrait photography work.

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Sequoias and fern trees at The Redwoods, Great Otway National Park, Victoria Australia photography by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop

Exploring the Great Otway National Park in Victoria, Australia.

By Personal Work, Travel & PlacesOne Comment

Drive a few hours south-west of Melbourne and halfway along the Great Ocean Road you’ll enter the Great Otway National Park, or in local Aussie parlance, “The Otways”. It’s a special place at once both wild and serene, with coastline, forests, rolling hills and picturesque lakes for exploring. We recently took the opportunity to do a short camping trip in the Otways with a group of friends. Of course we couldn’t leave the camera at…

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Quiet // Motion: surreal pictures and a fun soiree

By Behind-the-Scenes, News, Personal Work, Portrait PhotographyNo Comments

What happens when you bring some people in to the studio and get them to jump, twirl, leap and lunge around for an intriguing and surreal series of portrait images? Our latest image series Quiet // Motion, conceived and shot by Brence, explores the strange interplay of stillness and motion, using everyday people as subjects.

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Photography by Sharon Blance for Image Workshop,

Melbourne Town

By Personal Work, Travel & PlacesNo Comments

I love travel and the invigorating energy I get from exploring new places. Maybe that’s why I’ve lived in four different countries to date (Canada, the UK, New Zealand and now Australia). I’ve started an ongoing personal photography project dubbed “Melbourne Town,” to photograph the city and capture the things about it that I either love or find fascinating or are just plain ‘Melburnian’.

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