Advertising, Editorial & Commercial Photographer in Melbourne, Australia



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Wet Plate Collodion Wins Silver Award in the PX3 Paris Photography Prize

By Advertising Photography, News, Portrait Photography, Wet Plate CollodionNo Comments

We’re thrilled to announce that Image Workshop photographer Brence Coghill has been awarded Silver in the Advertising category of the 2019 PX3 Paris Photography Prize for his wet plate collodion image of eclectic Americana and alt-country singer-songwriter Rich Webb. The image was selected by a jury panel from over 5,700 entries from 98 countries around the world. The PX3 awards are one of the biggest photography awards in Europe with thousands of entrants from all…

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Woman doing yoga in a park on the cover of INhealth magazine

Melbourne portrait photographer health & lifestyle magazine cover story

By Editorial Photography, News, Photos in the wild, Portrait PhotographyNo Comments

  Hey ho! Sharon here, with an update on a magazine cover story I photographed of an inspirational lady. Inova is a US-based health and hospital service provider. Although based on the east coast of the USA, the Spring 2019 cover story of Inova’s INhealth medical & healthy lifestyle magazine was slated to feature Australian patient Dina McPherson. Dina was back in Melbourne following a successful surgical heart procedure in the US, and enguaged me…

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Airport Services: Showcasing the skills of Air Traffic Control and Aviation Firefighting personnel

By Annual Report Photography, Commercial Photography, Industrial Photography, NewsNo Comments

“Sharon and Brence got the absolute best out of our staff and the locations they photographed. Our new corporate library is vibrant and stunning, showing the best that our company has to offer. They surpassed my expectations of the brief.” – Gemma Cajina, Design and Multimedia Specialist, Airservices Australia As commerical photographers, it’s SUPER exciting when you receive a client enquiry and the brief includes reference photos of air traffic control towers and firefighters battling…

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Architectural photography of Sydney's CBD by Image Workshop photographer Sharon Blance

Moody blues: Sydney architectural photography

By Architectural photography, News, Travel & PlacesNo Comments

Recently I had a couple of free days up in Sydney. The weather was glorious, and after checking out some fabulous art at the Biennale and upgrading my knowledge of native birds at the Australian Museum, I wanted to spend some time just wandering the city centre, camera in hand. The Fujifilm X-T2 is my go-to travel camera – if you haven’t got one I simply can’t recommend it highly enough – and for this…

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Melbourne Portrait Photographer - Pixelhead, featured in Capture 'the annual'

Pixelhead – Featured in Capture Magazine The Annual

By Behind-the-Scenes, News, Portrait Photography, Promotional PhotographyNo Comments

Way hey HEYYY! A huge congrats to Image Workshop photographer Brence Coghill for being featured in the highly selective Capture magazine 2017 ‘The Annual’ edition, where they show off some the strongest work shot over the last 12 months by Australian based photographers. You can see Brence’s surreal, pixel-headed portrait in the ‘Art’ section. Nice work B! This image was created for a pair of electronic music composers Matt Rankin and co-composer Vanessa Nimmo, as a…

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Grampians National Park in Australia, photography by Sharon Blance Melbourne photographer

Homecamp Interview – Sharon Blance & the Grampians National Park

By News, Personal Work, Travel & PlacesNo Comments

“Camping always gives me this primordial sense of ‘being home’. Sitting by the fire at night, looking up at the stars I get this uncanny sense of “this is all I truly need.” If there’s one thing that Image Workshop photographer Sharon Blance loves to do – it’s heading out into the wilderness. A fan of ‘the woods’ and wild places in general, we’re fortunate that living in Melbourne there’s no shortage of fantastic Australian wilderness…

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Brother Wolf Barber, Image Workshop - Melbourne advertising photographer

Experience Melbourne – A VISA Campaign shot with the Fujifilm X-T1

By Advertising Photography, Behind-the-Scenes, News, Travel & PlacesNo Comments

Wowzers – 2015 has kicked off with a huge start for us, and we can’t believe that it’s March already and we’ve been slow to post up details about some of the cool stuff we’ve been up to. We’re stoked to have been involved in an advertising campaign run by VISA China over the summer to encourage Chinese tourists to come and experience Melbourne (using their VISA card, of course!) and discover the city’s various attractions, both ‘iconic’ and ‘off the beaten path’….

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William Angliss Institute – Chef Portrait

By Commercial Photography, News, Portrait PhotographyNo Comments

We recently got a call from William Angliss Institute, asking us to create a chef portrait for a last-minute marketing piece. As it turned out, there was a really tight timeframe which requiring a same day shoot and edit to meet the print deadline. Never shy of a challenge, Sharon was able to coordinate the shoot on location in one of the commercial kitchens onsite at the William Angliss Institute in central Melbourne, and turn around the required…

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Chris Gurney photographed by Sharon Blance in Melbourne Australia

Bakers Delight Cover for Business Class Magazine

By Behind-the-Scenes, Editorial Photography, News, Photos in the wild, Portrait PhotographyNo Comments

Business Class magazine is a brand new industry magazine telling success stories from business owners around the country. For its first-ever issue, editor Isaac Bober really wanted to make a splash and stand out from the crowd. He approached Image Workshop photographer Sharon Blance to shoot the cover story for the magazine’s launch – featuring Chris Gurney from Bakers Delight, who was instrumental in growing the brand for over a decade. The magazine wanted high…

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