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Airport Services: Showcasing the skills of Air Traffic Control and Aviation Firefighting personnel

“Sharon and Brence got the absolute best out of our staff and the locations they photographed. Our new corporate library is vibrant and stunning, showing the best that our company has to offer. They surpassed my expectations of the brief.”

– Gemma Cajina, Design and Multimedia Specialist, Airservices Australia

Melbourne Air Traffic Control Tower, photograph copyright Image Workshop photography

View from inside Melbourne Air Traffic Control Tower at dusk – photo by Image Workshop

As commerical photographers, it’s SUPER exciting when you receive a client enquiry and the brief includes reference photos of air traffic control towers and firefighters battling flaming jet engines. We really, really wanted to shoot this project. Luckily the feeling was mutual and Airservices Australia engaged Image Workshop to create a fresh new Brand Library of images showcasing their amazing people and facilities at Melbourne Airport.

Airservices Australia provides navigation and airplane tracking services, managing 11 percent of the world’s airspace and tracking over 4 million planes a year. They also provide specialist aviation rescue fire fighting services at Australian airports.

Their brief was very much focused on showcasing People, Skills, and Teamwork. Which is totally up our alley as we love to create photos of skilled people at work in their professional niche.

We worked closely with Airservices Australia to meticulously plan a complex 3-day shoot at Melbourne Airport to photograph an array of departments, including:

  • training in a state-of-the art 360-degree air traffic control simulator
  • enroute aircraft tracking operations
  • air traffic control tower operations
  • mechanical and technical support staff & services
  • Airside firefighting and Hot Fire Training Ground fire & rescue drills
Image Workshop photography shooting on location at Melbourne Airport Air Traffic Control Tower

Shooting the operations in the Melbourne Air Traffic Control Tower – photo of us at work courtesy of Declan Oppenheim


Sharon Blance photographing firefighters on location at Melbourne Airport

Just another day at the (hot) office: Image Workshop photographer Sharon being unperturbed in the face of Much Fire – photo courtesy of Jake Reeder


The shoot went stunningly well (yay, exceedingly precise planning!) and we delivered a fresh new library of 120 images to Airservices showcasing their skilled teams at work keeping us all safe.

Here’s a few favourite shots – you can see more in the Air Traffic Control gallery and the Aviation Firefighting gallery on our website.

All photography by Melbourne commerical photographers Brence & Sharon at Image Workshop.

360 degree air traffic control simulator, photograph by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop Melbourne

360 degree simulator room

360 degree air traffic control simulator, photograph by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop Melbourne

Operations at Melbourne Air Traffic Control Tower, photo by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop Melbounre

Air Traffic Control tower operations

Air traffic navigation operations and tech support, photo by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop photography Melbourne

OneSky aviation navigation technology; photo by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop photography Melbourne


Aviation firefighter training photography by Image Workshop Melbourne photographers

Aviation firefighter training

Aviation firefighter training photography by Image Workshop Melbourne photographers

Aviation firefighter training photography by Image Workshop Melbourne photographers

Female aviation firefighter photography by Image Workshop Melbourne photographers


Firefighter maintaining equipment, photo by Sharon Blance of Image Workshop photography Melbourne

See more pictures in the Air Traffic Control gallery and the Aviation Firefighting gallery

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