We’re super excited and exchanging giddy high-fives today because Image Workshop has been featured on photography industry uber-website Fstoppers. Zoiks!
We recently produced a cool behind- the-scenes video of a shoot we did with the Damaged Duo circus company. We entered our BTS video in the annual Fstoppers Behind-the-Scenes video contest (the contest deadline served as a timely kick-in-the-butt to actually get our video finished) – and it’s just been selected by the Fstoppers team as a featured video on their site.
The video shows us working with Damaged Duo’s Mim and Neisha, a couple of amazingly talented female circo-arts performers who dangled and spun from ropes, straps and chains while we crafted some cool promo pictures of them.
We’re pretty stoked about it, given the incredible calibre of photographers that Fstoppers features on its widely read pages, so it’s happy smiles all round at the Image Workshop at the moment.
The BTS video is in the Motion section of our website, but we thought we’d repost it below so you can have a look-see without all the bother of browsing to a different web page :D