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Image Workshop moves to Melbourne!

By May 31, 2012July 29th, 2018News

Exciting things are afoot at the Image Workshop!

After a year of deliberation, investigation and consternation following the somewhat apocalyptic Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011, we’ve decided to shift our operations ‘across the ditch’ to the beautiful city of Melbourne, Australia.

Sharon in an alleyway in North Melbourne, our new stomping grounds

Sharon in an alleyway in North Melbourne, our new stomping grounds

It was a difficult decision to make, and we’re sad to leave friends and awesome clients in Christchurch, but we’re excited about new opportunities on the horizon in the great land of Oz.

We’re currently engrossed in getting an apartment set up so we have somewhere to live, and our computer and photography gear has just cleared Aussie customs and (hopefully) will be turning up on an Allied Pickfords truck soon.

In the meantime, here’s a great video and song by the Pet Shop Boys, which Sharon has adopted as the official theme song of our great Move Westward…

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